Saturday 2 August 2014


So today I thought I should talk about something different. The Face. Most ladies, like me, are particular about our faces and how we look and this is why we constantly use all sorts of make up (even if it is only white powder) to enhance the face. Except for some exceptionally few who are blessed with blemish and acne free faces even when they do nothing, most of us battle with breakouts and acne. Below I will list out some simple every day tips on how to keep the face smooth and clear at least to a large extent.

Please note that I do not claim to be a dermatologist or do i have the best of faces/skin but i have definitely seen a big improvement since I started a routine few months ago and i think you guys can pick one or two tips from it.

The face is said to be one of the most sensitive parts of the body so I will suggest that if you do not have a face routine, start one. A simple one won’t hurt. If you already have a routine, be sure it is the right one for your skin. There are loads of information out there on what will best suit you.  Read and feel free to share your routine below too so we can all learn. Also, click the links below if you want to read further. Thanks!


Start a daily face-washing routine.

Some say wash in the morning and at night. Personally I think it all depends on your skin type. I have a dry to normal skin so I wash only at night as I do not have a lot of oil to wash off. In the morning I just use water. What is important is consistency. A wash routine includes the following:
ü  Wash your face with a gentle cleanser or exfoliator. Avoid scrubbing too hard or using rough washcloths. These may irritate your skin and cause blemishes to stay on your face longer.

ü  Use a toner (optional). If your skin is dry, not combination or oily, you can skip this step. Alcohol-free toners are the best as they do not dry up your skin. However, it is best to get a toner that fits your skin type. Toner helps firm and tighten your skin as it wipes away dirt in your pores. Example of toners are witch hazel, rose water etc.

ü  Moisturize every time you wash your face, shave, or simply need the extra moisture. If you tend to have oily skin, you save the heavy moisturizing for night time and use a light one in the morning.

ü  Remove your makeup every night. Yes, this can be hard to do especially if you're very tired, but it pays off. Pick up makeup removal wipes at the drug store and use them when you're too exhausted to do the whole routine.

ü  Use a different towel for your face other than your general body towel. This at first doesn’t make sense but think of it this way: we use our towels generally to dry our thighs, the vagina area, feet and under the feet, etc after bathing and we still use this same towel to clean our faces. mmmhmn, now u are thinking what am thinking? Bacteria (even though healthy) resides in some of these places especially the vagina area and will automatically transmit to sensitive areas like the face! So why don’t you get a separate (small) face cloth for your face to use instead?

Don't pick your pimples!

Oh! I have learnt this lesson the hard way which bits of scars to show. I cannot see a pimple and let it rest. But it's not a good idea to pick your pimples. It may be tempting if that pimple is staring at you in the face for a day or two, but it's really not worth it. Picking your pimples can have adverse effects.
ü  It can cause blemishes. Blemishes are inflammations in the epidermis and dermis, the outer and inner layers of your skin. It takes longer for the blemishes to heal when they are popped, so stay brave and resist the urge!

ü  It could leave a scar behind. Pimples are temporary, but scars are forever. If you want smooth skin, don't make it harder on yourself by picking pimples.

ü  Don't touch your face. The oils and dirt from your hands will transfer to your face and can easily clog pores. Keeping your hands from your face will also help you break the habit of picking pimples.

ü  If u have acne you can try getting a Benzoyl peroxide lotion or spot treatment. If your acne is moderate or severe, you can find lotion products containing benzoyl peroxide that you apply evenly over your face, usually at night time. You can also find benzoyl peroxide in spot treatment formulas.

ü  If the above does not work, see a dermatologist.

 Use fresh makeup and brushes.
Makeup, like food, gathers bacteria and eventually go bad. If you've been using the same powders, blush, eyeshadow and mascara for over 6 months, it's probably time to throw everything out and start over. Your skin will thank you for it!

The only exception to this is brushes—these can be cleaned, not thrown away. Simply use your shampoo or an unscented soap to give them a warm bath thoroughly every 2 weeks or so. Leave the brushes out to air dry throughout the day and overnight.

Drink plenty of water.
 Aha! Trust me you won’t know how hard this is until you put an effort to do it. Aim to put down 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, and you'll notice a difference in your skin. The extra fluid makes it easier for you to flush out toxins and waste.
ü  Ladies: aim to drink at least 2.2 liters, or nine cups of water a day. Last month I tried to do 2.5 liters a day and I aim to do 3 liters a day this month. Phew! If you're having trouble drinking that much, cut out all sugary drinks from your diet entirely and drink water with your meals instead. that could be one of your goals this month!

ü  Guys: aim to drink at least three liters, or 13 cups, of water a day.

ü  The lighter color your pee, the less water you need to drink. When your pee is clear, you're in the clear. When your pee is yellow, it's time to drink more water.

Sleep smart.

You might be getting dirt and oil on your face while you're sleeping without even realizing it. Try these tricks to minimize your risk:
ü  Change out your pillowcase at least once a week. Your pillowcase collects dust, saliva, and other grime, which make it onto your face every time you sleep. So change them or wash regularly for best results.

ü  Pull your hair back. Braid back long hair, and keep bangs or fly-aways out of your face with a headband. This way your hair won't irritate your face while you sleep.

ü  Get your beauty rest! Sleep deprivation and stress can manifest as bad skin, so make sure you're getting 7 to 8 hours of quality rest every night.

Have a healthy diet and exercise routine.

A lot of us do not realize that this affects almost everything about us mentally and physically. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help your body and skin stay healthy. Besides, exercising is a fantastic way to get rid of stress and to keep blood-flow pumping.
ü  Try to eat foods that give you the right kind of energy. Although the scientific community isn't in total agreement, diets rich in sugar and refined (or "white) carbohydrates have been linked to more pimple breakouts than diets rich in protein, vegetables, and grains. However, what is clear is that eating vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, ugu, etc), protein (white meat, fish, nuts), and grains (brown rice,oats, wheat) are healthier for you. And what's healthy for you is probably better for your skin!

ü  Drink green tea. You can purchase this from any big departmental store. Green tea is full of antioxidants and nutrients that can help your body fight acne and also aids digestion. Specialists say we should aim to drink 2 to 3 glasses of green tea a day for optimum results but I manage 1-2 cups a day because the taste isn’t so great. However, u can always add honey to sweeten.

ü  Run, walk, swim. Do whatever exercise makes you feel good. Exercise in general will help reduce the amount of stress your body generates over the course of the day and stress will cause pimples. You don’t have to drive all the time to go buy bread or take a cab to your friend’s house if it’s a walkable distance. Walking just 15 minutes a day is a great improvement over standing still. So in order to get that clear, smooth skin your body deserves, hit the gym, fire up the treadmill, or swim. Your body will thank you!

I hope these tips helps someone today. There are really no hard and fast rules but put an effort to do the basics- wash, eat well and exercise. Please note that maintaining your skin is not limited to these tips alone. Read up as much as u can and be informed!

Have a weekend as FAB as you!

Love, always,

*** culled from- 


1 comment:

  1. Ella enchanting .I ll try some of these tips. Amaka Agbo - Anike.



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