Saturday 26 July 2014


Naturally, I am almost always in a panic mode. My friends who know me well are used to me freaking about everything from my school work to small things like keeping time for an appointment. So on this certain day I read about how a woman is born with about 1-2 million eggs but with each menstrual cycle, 1,000 of them are lost. Research says that by the time she is 30 years old, she has only about 12% of them left. Apparently, in a woman’s life time just 400 eggs out of the 1-2 million eggs will ever mature. Phew! (see link below)

The first thing that came to my mind was “darn! I need to start having babies!” Dang! Dang!! Panic mode activated. LOL.

As funny and harmless as it was, this piece of information was on my mind for about 3 days. During one of those days I was reminded of Sarah in the bible who had no eggs, whose womb must have shrivelled due to old age, who probably didn’t have appetite for sex anymore and who had accepted her fate as a barren woman (reason why she tried to help God to fulfil his promise by giving her maid to her husband). But when God decided it was her time, Isaac came forth!

I knew it had to be God reminding me of this story to make me understand that no matter how much I worry about life from now till eternity, I can’t change a thing until he is ready to. The truth is, worrying is a waste of time. When we worry we are simply rotating our minds round and round our concerns and coming up with no answers. The more we do it, the more anxious we get and it becomes a habit .Most of us are like that. Always worrying our heads out and getting depressed by our problems, news we hear or information we read. “oh, what happens if I lose my job?”, "oh, what will happen to me when i age?" “oh, what if the stock market crashes?” And you know what? Most of our worries have no basis or any truth in them.
We forget that all it takes is for the maker to step in and our lack of trust pushes us to try to solve our problems ourselves. Bribing our way through to get a contract or a job. Cheating the next person to make more profit. Stealing our way into riches. We are constantly in a hurry to make things happen forgetting again that God himself makes all things beautiful in his own time.

The problem isn’t God, the problem is with us. Our panic and worrying screams “I DON’T TRUST YOU!” to God.

These few months I am learning to switch off my panic button and simply trust God even for the smallest of things because he has the future all planned and knows the answer to everything. We all need to learn to relax and rest in the assurance that He’s got our back. He is Aware of you and will always show up, not a minute later than you need him.


Love always,


  1. Nice one dear. We need the grace to know that God is always in control and all we need do is trust Him.

    1. Thanks my elder! His grace is sufficient.

  2. Back in the prehistoric days, carefree cave people, though probably a very fun bunch, were killed by hostile tribes or eaten by wild animals because they didn’t worry about or focus on the potential threats. Cave people who worried, though probably not the life of the party, survived these threats and passed their genes on to future generations. So, worry has been keeping us alive as a species since the dawn of humankind.

    1. In other words u are ok with worrying?



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